Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Personification in Lodged by Robert Frost

1. can the rain really talk to the wind?can the wind really listen to the rain?can the flowers really kneel?
     They cannot comunicate because there not alive but thats whats happening so the wind is hitting    the plant basically blowing the stem of the plant and thats what makes it bent over like if its dead.

2. What are some of the effects that tool of personficication brings to the poem?
      my answer on the personification of the poem is the rain to the wind said you push and ill pelt wich is trying to make you picture what the author is saying.

3. If the rain and wind and flowers were real people, how would one describe the event that is occuring?
     by usung something different insrtead of useing floweres we would you something else that will describe the way they feel for example if was a flower i would say im freezing to death if iwere to be cold.

4. If the flowers were real peaple how do they feel after the wind and the rain smot the garden bed?
      the wind and rain will heavely blow upon the garden bed of flowers.

5. Speculate on why the speaker of the poem empanthizes with the flowers?
      because the author has expirience what he has described.

Monday, February 13, 2012

three sentence poem

             Skating is fun
Filling my thoughts with tricks
         Skating is wonderful
Feeling like champion every time I'm on my board
          Skating is confidence
    Just feel like landing every trick

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Poetry Writing Exercise: Metaphor Poem

Metaphors comparing the universe to an object.
1)The stars are flying in the sky.
2)The moon is sitting in the sky.
3)The stars are flashing lights.

Metaphors comparing an emoition to an object.
1)Happiness is a bright sunshining day.
2)Laughing is dying of tickles.
3)Crying is a puddle of sadness.

Metaphor comparing a person to an object.
1)Im a jet.
2)My mom is a box of chocolates.
3)My grandma is an owl.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

a tall tale

One day on a friday i was skating around 3:45pm and it was about 100 degrees and it was flaming hot so i was tired of skating the streets of downtown san diego so i got really thirsty and i was so thirsty that i wanted to drink the ocean and i was so hungry that i'd eat a cow.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


1. Terrific Tony went to take out the trash.
2. English earmuffs go in your ear for easter.
3. Black bears arebrown bugs that beat you uup bad.
4. Bad peaple go places because they like to play games.
5. Mad things are mean stuff well medicating your mind.
6. Snatch some cash well you see everything in the sea.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


1.What is poetry?
Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm;...
A quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regarded as characteristic of poems: "poetry and fire are
nicely balanced in the music".

2. Who is likely to agree and disagree with you?
    The people that are going to agree with me are peaple who will share my thoughts
3. Does poetry have to rhyme?
    Everytime I read a poem it rhymes, therefor i think poetry should rhyme. 
4. Does poetry have to make sense? Can it be random words on a page? Explain.
 I think that it should make sense because you will get confused and it wouldn't be good because you wouldn't know the poem was about.

5. What type of feelings does or can poetry evoke (cause)?
Poetry can cause any kind of emotion for example happy,sad and other kinds it depends on the type of poetry your reading.