1. can the rain really talk to the wind?can the wind really listen to the rain?can the flowers really kneel?
They cannot comunicate because there not alive but thats whats happening so the wind is hitting the plant basically blowing the stem of the plant and thats what makes it bent over like if its dead.
2. What are some of the effects that tool of personficication brings to the poem?
my answer on the personification of the poem is the rain to the wind said you push and ill pelt wich is trying to make you picture what the author is saying.
3. If the rain and wind and flowers were real people, how would one describe the event that is occuring?
by usung something different insrtead of useing floweres we would you something else that will describe the way they feel for example if was a flower i would say im freezing to death if iwere to be cold.
4. If the flowers were real peaple how do they feel after the wind and the rain smot the garden bed?
the wind and rain will heavely blow upon the garden bed of flowers.
5. Speculate on why the speaker of the poem empanthizes with the flowers?
because the author has expirience what he has described.
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